Williams Hill Recreation Area

It was certainly a culture shock to make the jump from the Sierra Mountains to William’s Hill – a few hours due West of our previous weekend’s adventures – but Kerri had a hankering for some sea views in Big Sur, and who am I to keep my girl wanting. But first we needed to burn off the work week, and that is where William’s Hill comes in.

Honestly, it is a nothing of a hill. Not very high. Not very scenic. And not very large an area either. I don’t know who this William character was, but he must not have been the greatest man to ever live to get this hill named after him. Obviously great enough to get a hill named, but not all that great. Nonetheless, William’s Hill (BTW, thanks William) was exactly what we needed – out in the wild, peaceful, a cell signal, and free! An established campground in a tiny rec area, with a pit toilet and everything I tell you. (Yes, that is right, pit toilets are considered a luxury in my life again).

We stayed the four days, worked, walked, ate, enjoyed a few sunsets, and just did our normal thing until we could leave on Friday night to make the final 90 minutes drive into the mountains before the sea. William’s Hill was a perfect spot for exactly that.

On the down side, not only were the flies just some of the most annoying on the planet, the locals that come up here really show their breed in how they leave their our public lands. And, on our way out, not only did we see our second rattler in as many weeks, we saw this… um, display. Scary as shit right? (Yes, that is what you think it is on top of the shot up car).

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4 Responses

  1. Michele Overacker says:

    Looks like a scary place.

  2. jim says:

    Not sure if you were joking – the not so great William was William Randolph Hearst and he donated the land to the government.

    • Van-Tramp says:

      Joking I was. I had no idea it was named after Hearst, thanks for that piece of knowledge

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