Who needs a shower anyway

When we arrived at Cabo Pulmo, we arrived freshly showered. Or, at least we got to shower within the past 24 hours of that day, which is pretty freshly showered by our definition. We spent a week in Cabo Pulmo, and now another week in Los Barriles a few dozen miles North.Β  Two weeks of beach camping also marks my second full week without a proper shower. It would be easy think that going two weeks without a shower is gross… and well, yea it is, hence my writing about it. Now, I am not saying I (and Kerri by association) have gone uncleaned during the two weeks. The solar shower has been getting a lot of attention lately, and I am grateful we have it at all. On other days I am forced to heat up a bowl of water, grab a rag & soap, and take – what my Mother calls – a “whore’s bath”. Usually done just before bed with an audience of two dogs and and Instagramming girl watching over me (she has yet to take a photo of the show), though she does not admit to the voyeuristic tendencies. Anyway, what I am getting at is – it’s been a long time since I have had a proper shower, and I really want one. Such is van-life.

OK, enough about my grossing you all out with my lack of hygiene…

IMG_8628We came up to Los Barriles to meet up, once again, with the families of @Mali.Mish andΒ  @Wandrly, and now Chris of @Go.Wildly who joined up with the two families just after we left them a few weeks back. We took this opportunity as this may be the last time in a few years we get to see the Mali.Mish family as they plan to be on a very different route than us in the coming years. So the week has been a prolonged good-bye of sorts, after spending most of 2015 and so far all of 2016 traveling together through Canada, Alaska, Pacific Coast, and now Baja. Although they were not an every-day part of our lives, we have been within a days drive of them since May of 2015 as we traversed the same route as them – or as they traveled the same as us, which ever way you want to look at it.

That time has since passed, with the group separating mid-week as they continued South while Kerri and I spent the rest of the work-week camping on the beach just out of town (sound familiar?). We await the weekend where we can start our Northern migration to the Encenada area, which is our final major stop of this Baja trip. We will be revisiting some of our favorite places along the way, so it will still take us a few weeks to get all the way up there. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to a new place to explore.

IMG_8632 IMG_8638Ironically, Kerri and I both agree that after two months in Baja… well, we miss the forest and mountains of the Rocky’s and Sierra’s. This, we have come to realize, is just hard-wired in our nomadic brains. We are always looking forward to the next location, sometimes at the cost of the present. I can’t wait to get back into Colorado (May-July) and – even more so – the time we are going to spend in Grand Teton later in September.

To the future

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8 Responses

  1. Suzanne says:

    If you end up in La Paz over the weekend, let me know. As a long time follower, I would love to buy you a beer. ;-)

    • Van-Tramp says:

      Thank you Suzanne, but it appears we will be driving straight through La Paz this morning to try to get to Loreto before too late.

  2. Kerensa says:

    Kerri answered a question of mine on IG with the longing for the next location and she’s right. After too long in one type of setting and I’m dreaming of the opposite. I can’t help it and I’m glad that I’m able to indulge my nomadic fantasies.

  3. Marshall says:

    See you in Colorado!

  4. Michelle says:

    Hi there, I was just checking out your free camping spots in Los Barriles Beach & Cabo Pulmo Beach, looks awesome! As I was reading through your blog I saw that you were down there for the winter…which is what we plan on doing next winter in our converted Dodge Sprinter. I’m trying to estimate our expenses, what you say guys spent on camping costs…..if you don’t mind me asking? Thanks! :)

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