
You may have noticed that some of my photos recently started to include an Airstream? You may have noticed that some include a female from one angle or another? Or how about the two kayaks? Or how about the liberal use of the word “we”?

I am coming out of the closet. This Van-Tramp has company, and it is a girl! How does a van guy get a girl to hang out with him? I am really not sure, but somehow it happened. I’ve been very lucky to say the least. Back in January I met a fellow full-timer – Kerri (@asolojourner). Kerri happened to be one of the first people I followed on Instagram. I have always admired her strength in doing this on her own so I was captivated way back.

I know that van-guys are suppose to be single, alone – drifters if you will if – but if there is one thing I have learned in my travels, you simply do not pass up an opportunity. Be it a drink, a plate of food, or meeting a new person, you just have to grab hold of each as if it could be your last. So, when I had the chance to meet Kerri face to face back in January, I jumped at it, and how happy I am that I did.  I met a beautiful, funny, and smart woman living the very lifestyle I love and we connected big time! We have been hanging out and experiencing the South West together since then.

“We” has had a we-bit more meaning in my blog posts since then.


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11 Responses

  1. Leigh says:

    Swooooon!!! I’m so happy for you two! xoxo

  2. Wheelingit says:

    being the sappy romantic I am I’m getting a little teary here, but darn I love it! Romance, travel, RVing….oh my!

  3. Cherie says:

    Congrats guys… you two are awesome together, and it’s been fun watching this romance blossom :) From another coupled formerly two solo nomads hooked up on the road to another… we wish you many adventures together.

    And whew.. now your friends don’t have to skirt around how we talk about you guys in public.

  4. Kelley says:

    This is awesome! Just came across your blog and gotta say I love it. We just recently joined WP and made a blog for our van living experience as well. Setting off for two months across the country. Glad to see other van life blogs out there. Good luck and wishing you both all the best :)

  5. That’s so awesome! We really need to meetup, we have the same stories, me in a van and my girlfriend in an Airstream! I actually saw you guys at the Borrego Springs library several times but had no idea who you were!

  6. Kerri says:


  7. Jess Curren says:

    WAHOO! I’m with Leigh. Total swoon. Such a sucker for a good romance. Happy travels!

  8. Suzanne says:

    How very cool to find love doing what you love. Best of all possible scenarios! “We” is a big word, filled with lots of possibility. Enjoy the ride!

  9. janel says:

    Oh I am loving this….I follow Kerri on istagram…and hail from the same town as you…good ole “L” town. I too admire her her solo-journeys in her “silverstream”…..what a great new season for both of you. Yea!! We also have an AS, but are not full time. Enjoy each other and this new chapter in your lives.

  10. Ray says:

    Warm smile : ) Love these kind of stories.


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