Water management basics

If I have learned one thing it is that water rules all. How much water you have dictates when you must go back into town to refill. Normally, I carry a total of 10 gallons of water on board. I can bring more, but I also have to think about weight and space, so 10 gallons is my default. I find that I consume about 1-1.5 gallons of water each day. Between coffee in the morning, flushing the toilet,  and washing dishes you can go through a startling amount of water. More than half my water consumption goes into my body. Sure, I could lower my water consumption by drinking less, but it is not worth dehydration. The rest is used in the “tasks” of each day.

water-bottle-324x205Originally I was consuming well over 2 gal per day, but with some basic water resource management I have reduced that amount. Reducing coffee is out of the question, so I chose other areas; Firstly, washing dishes can be done with a wet sponge with a drop or two of soap (less soap = less rinsing). I can wash an entire sink-full of dishes without any more than a 1/2 cup of water. Rinsing is another thing as it consumes a bit more water but it too can be reduced by finding a small tub and rinse the dishes by slowly trickling the water over one dish with others below. A single cup of water can rinse multiple dishes, not just the one. It doesn’t have to be perfect, use a cloth to get the few remaining suds from the under-side of your dishes. A half-gallon of water should be able to wash multiple days worth of dishes.

It makes it even easier if you plan ahead before you even get to the dish washing. Preparing your dishes to be washed is another science which I learned from other articles online. Wipe the dishes clean after use and before washing. Using a sheet or two of toilet paper, wipe the crumbs out and get them into the trash. Heck, the slimy foods can go down the toilet if you are using toilet paper. If you can get the majority of the crud off your dish, it is much easier to wash with small amounts of water.

After you have completed your dish washing, take that wash and rinse water and store it in a separate (and clearly marked) jug. Get a 2nd use of that dish washing water to “flush” the toilet after each use. Remember to turn off the water pump before flushing and save a bit of water and battery at the same time.

I know it sounds odd, but who are you impressing out in the boondocks? Bathe  once a week. During the other days, a simple “sponge bath” will do. If you are wanting to conserve even more water, use hand-wipes to bathe. At the very least, you have to get into the “dark places” daily. I find it easier to use the hand-wipes as I do not then have to wash the wash-cloths afterwards, consuming additional water. If you must bathe more often, I recommend joining a nation-wide gym that has showers. For a few dollars a month you can have a hot shower with minimal effort, even while traveling across the country.

Washing clothes should really be saved for when you are back in town and have a laundromat to use. If you must, then do only what is needed… such as underwear an socks. The larger items can wait, either until you go into town or when you have more water.

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1 Response

  1. Ryan Brown says:

    Thanks for the info. I’m headed to the Burn in 2 weeks, getting my van back from my builder in 3 days! I’m looking for info on maximizing my resources off grid. This was helpful. Thanks!

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