Vegas Baby!
These past few days have been more of a blur than anything else: A night was socializing, drinking, and playing some card game that just about split my side from laughter. A game of name-that-tune of which I was only able to name two; Voodoo Child and Business Time – what does that say about me? Lunch at Burger Bar in Mandalay Bay Casino. I must admit that the $8 burger in San Antonio on the River Walk was far superior to this $18 one in Vegas, but it was still quite good. Finally a quick trip into the casino to throw some money away resulted in $50 in winnings instead (a nice twist to the norm).
Even though I only got to see a fraction of the Las Vegas strip, I am happy that I took the opportunity to go with the group instead of on my own. First, I’d normally never pay $18 for a burger, so it was nice to experience a place that I would not have gone too when solo. Second, I am very happy to never go into the Vegas area again now that I can check that box off the list. It was nice to see, but the whole vibe of Vegas (read; greed and materialism) really turns me off. Lastly, there is nothing like experiencing a new thing while smiling and laughing, and this group dished out both in spades.

Todd & Russ of the WanderLodge, Leigh & Brian of Aluminarium, Heather & Jeff of AudreyAirstream, Chris & Shawn of TheTravelingHaywoods
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