Valdez Alaska

Valdez Alaska. Known for the oil spill even though the oil itself never touched a beach in the Valdez area. This place is all about oil, oil, oil. That big oil pipeline ends here, where it is fed to those enormous oil ships which haul it down to the West Coast of the lower 48 for consumer use.

The first three days of rain in the month of August, and were here for them all. We stuck around for the weather to clear to take our Lu-Lu Belle Glacier Tour, which was the primary reason we came down this far out of the way.

IMG_6143Our camping spot was right beside the end of that pipeline at Allison Point, right beside the largest oil storage facility in America. We had a great view of Valdez and the mountains across the bay. From here we were able to visit the local fish hatchery and witness the thousands and thousands of fish all clamoring to finish off their life cycle.

IMG_6157IMG_6154From Valdez we officially start the process of leaving Alaska. First a stop in to Wrangle National Park to see the town of McCarthy, then a final stop in Tok Alaska for fuel, laundry, and work before heading into Canada by the weekend… but I am getting ahead of myself. How about more of images of the views in Valdez?

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1 Response

  1. Awesome images, as always. Very inspiring! 😊

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