The end is near!

It is right around the corner that I return to Big Blue (now in desert tan) who has been waiting  oh so patiently for me in California. Kerri and I left Big Blue last December as we started our 2017 travels all the way to the South, South East, then to the Great Lakes, and now back to the West. Come November I can give Big Blue a huge embrace. It is then that we (Kerri and me) start a new chapter…

We nearly took Big Blue instead of the Airstream for our 2017 travels. It wasn’t just me wanting that, even Kerri wanted to stay in the van after our time down in Baja in it. After weeks of pondering on it, Kerri made the very valid argument about the necessity of air conditioning in the South. She did not know, of course, that the trailer’s AC unit would stop working in Georgia and cost us $2000 to replace. The replacement then stopped working only two months later! We basically had a working AC unit for only the first few months of the year… when it was cool enough not to need it.

After two full years living in an Airstream (for me), we are going to store it and head out in the van.  We expect it to be in the van the full 2018 year at the least, and very possibly going into 2019 and beyond. The only thing that will get us back out of the van will be a sail boat, which we will begin shopping for in 2019. That is all beside the point though, what I really am trying to say here is,

We will be in a van again!!!

(not a vanagon)

And for that reason, I am going to crank up my van-guy brain again and get back on the subject of vans, van essentials, vanlife, and van-berry muffins! A few photos to get the van-brain juices flowing…

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2 Responses

  1. Michele Overacker says:

    Can I take a picture of you when you hug your van?

  2. Van-Tramp says:

    Of course!

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