Quest for wild berries

We ended up returning to our favorite place to date for a few days of relaxation before working our way back into Anchorage to prepare for the return trip through Canada. Hope, Alaska has ranked as our #1 spot ever since out first visit there (and more). A small fishing town miles away from civilization it was the first time we truly felt like we were in the great wild Alaska.

This time around we took in the night life, and considering the town consists of only two businesses (a bar and a cafe) it is a very happening place come the weekends with live music, dancing, and just a great atmosphere. So, we partook…

Once again we ran into the Malimish family (I swear they are following us) and who referred us to a great trail that opens up to a great meadow full of wild berries not far up the road. The conversation was simple, “follow the dirt road to the end, then hike out a mile… at most”. That evening Kerri, Moose, and myself did just that. Going off the geo-tag of the photo’s taken by @Malimish_Aisrstream we arrived at the trailhead, and hiked out for just under 3 miles before turning back. We did not find any such berries or meadow, but ran across many bear droppings.

It turns out that the images they took were geo-tagged incorrectly and if we had followed “that other” dirt road we would have been in the right place. So, in the morning Kerri, Moose, and myself did just that; hiking less than 1 mile and into the most surreal place I have come across in all my travels.

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IMG_5922Seriously, look at that place! I could have stayed out there all day exploring the rolling hills and picking berries. Of course wild blueberries were on the menu for later that night.

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6 Responses

  1. dan says:

    I’ve got directions to some more awesome places that I want to tell you. (maybe you will finally get so lost you can’t keep following everywhere we go.)

  2. At least you were finally rewarded with blueberries!! YUMMMM!!

  3. Shawna says:

    Bet them berries were worth every step!

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