No shirts, no shoes, no duh

To escape the heat of camping in a town, we headed a few miles south of Todos Santos to San Pedrito Beach where we could camp for free and enjoy the ocean breeze.  (Location added to my boondocking sites map). This was the style of camping I envisioned when Kerri and I talked about doing three months in Baja. Free, spectacular views, lots to explore and do… this is how I like my Baja thank you very much! So we set up camp and for the next five days I wore no shoes or socks. Instead I just became one with the sandy beach.

IMG_8458 IMG_8462The beach right out our back door was rocky, not good for swimming, but a few hundred yards down the shoreline was a nice sandy place to jump around in the waves, splashing and diving as much as my inner-child wanted. The dogs joined in, even Moose playing in the surf as he grows more accustomed to water, thanks in large part to Byron.

IMG_8471 IMG_8475 IMG_8468Mid-week some of the surfers on the beach invited me to join their friendly game of poker, and I never pass up a game of poker, so I grabbed 100 pesos and bought in! We played poker under the man-made structure (above), in the sand, while drinking Tecates, a beautiful woman waiting for me back in the van.  What more can a beach-bum ask for?

On our final night, Kerri wanted to visit a restaurant she heard about (this is becoming a regular thing, her hearing about good places to eat and us going to them) in town. “It’s only 4 kilometers away”, she tells me, after we started the walk – me barefoot- “but we will take the shorter route“. I advised her that 4 kilometers is about 2 and a half miles, and no mater the route taken two diagonal corners of a square are the same distance apart. So we walked 8 kilometers (5 miles just in case your math-challenged) round trip, me barefoot, to an amazing restaurant where most everything on the menu was organic grown on site and delicious. I ate a half a chicken roasted to perfection with plenty of roasted veggies to boot.

We walked back to the van, in the dark, did I mention that I was barefoot, but the 1 mile walk along the beach, alone, at night was worth every sharp rock and sticker I stepped on. My feet hurt like mad, but it will make the memory stick that much better in the long run. I did get a foot rub out of it later that night. All was good.

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1 Response

  1. Michele Overacker says:

    Feet – ouch!

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