Mushrooms National Park

Yep, I’ve decided to just rename the North Cascades National Park. While the Cascades are beautiful and all, it is the mushrooms that makes this place special. Even for a guy like me who doesn’t care in the slightest to put that fungus in my mouth, the shrooms turn a standard forest hike into something special. I recognized this when I passed through the North Cascades exactly five years ago too, but for Kerri this place is even more magical.

Our original plan was to stay a night at the campground and get in a hike somewhere in the park the following day as we passed over the mountains towards Winthrop. But, as usual, plans change. With the campground closed where we were hoping to stay at, we decided to just do the hike and complete the drive over all in the same afternoon. We didn’t hike far, only a few miles out and back on the Thunder Creek Trail, but we spent hours out there. It wasn’t the hike as much as it was finding the next little patch of mushrooms for Kerri to decide if they were worth of shoving into a bag and filling the van’s fridge. We both took our time, eyes aimed down at the forest floor, and just taking in all variety of mushrooms out here. T’was a pleasant afternoon.

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3 Responses

  1. Mrs Thompson says:

    I’m sure my question has been addressed before, but I can’t find it in your blog: can you and/or Kerri stand up completely vertical when inside your van? Silly, I know, but I’m curious…

    • Van-Tramp says:

      I get it. I can not but Kerri can almost. The interior height is probably right around 5′ 6″ at the highest point

  2. Mrs Thompson says:

    Thank you!! I looked at a 1987 Dodge 250 yesterday and was surprised that I wasn’t able to stand up (I’m 5’4″). Perhaps this particular conversion package simply lacked height 🙂

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