Making a run for it

Immediately after the completion of the sailing lessons (and a night’s sleep) we were up and moving. We had a long day of driving ahead of us – about 300 miles – so I pestered, and pestered, and pestered Kerri until she finally got up from bed. The end result was Big Blue running and rolling at a respectable hour for a change. I had a target to shoot for and with complete and total focus that was all that was on my mind. The target: not-California. Kerri says that I talk about my dislike of California too much so I won’t say it today {grin}. It was within my grasp if I could just drive for six hours… I sure as hell was going to try.

It rained. The whole way. Which, to be honest, is the perfect weather for a travel-day. Save those sunny days for when I am stopped in the boondocks thank you very much. Long boring story short – we drove our tails off that day, finally crossing the now-muddy Colorado River via Interstate 40 at Needles, CA. And only two miles into Arizona we opted to pull over for the night as the sun was growing tired. Me too. It wasn’t anything special of a location, just an OHV area, but it was good to be out of… um… the city (yeah, that’s it) and truly returning to the desert again.

The following morning we did our normal thing (I make coffee and stare at my laptop, Kerri lays in bed and stares at her phone) for a few hours until the OHV crowd started pulling in. Actually it was only a single family, but that was our signal to pack it up and continue our run away from California. We only had a two hour drive to our final destination for the week. However, the annual Rubber Tramp Rendezvous had just started and we would be driving right past, so I talked Kerri into popping in for a night so I could hang with my peeps. I tried, really. We arrived, but Big Blue didn’t even come to a full stop. No way do I want to be in that large of a crowd that is now the RTR, So we turned tail and made a run for it, again.

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3 Responses

  1. Rob says:

    It was a day for driving out here too. We went from Titusville, FL to Key West, 360 miles or so in 7 & a half hours.
    It was a destination drive…. But I’m done driving for a while…

    • Van-Tramp says:

      Back in the day I’d regularly put in 600+ miles per day. Now a 100 mile day is a big one and I feel ready to park it for a bit too. I’m no fan of the big mile days anymore. I prefer to just take my time to get somewhere and enjoy the route.

  2. Michael says:

    Why do you post on crvl more than your own blog?

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