Life at a dead stop

It has been one full week since my little biking mishap. Seven full days, and today I am still 100% disabled. Life has come to a dead stop of all activities, even typing this post is a task filled with bursts of pain from my collarbone. Breathing reminds me of the two broken ribs every moment of every day. I can no longer work, and play is most definitely out of the question. I have little projects on the van I’d like to do, but no way could I o them. The simple task of walking Moose the two blocks to the dog-park results in the need of a two hour nap after. I never knew how closely joined my right-foot is to the muscles in my left-shoulder. Any movement, any where on my body, makes that shoulder scream out.

However, there is light at the end of the tunnel. I’m taking much less pain killers than a few days ago. Though the pain still persists, it is not as potent as it once was. Less pain killers means I should be able to stay awake more of each day, go for more walks, or even drive to go do something (not physical of course).  Hopefully in another week I can do more, and more again another week down the calendar. I have seven and a half weeks before Hawaii. Hopefully that is enough time to get to a stage to at least do some swimming and mild hiking.

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4 Responses

  1. jonthebru says:

    Howz it goin’? Any progress? Still doing the Big Island in December?

  2. Van-Tramp says:

    Nearly 3 weeks since the injury and I’m doing OK. I’m out of the sling and can function normally for many things. The left shoulder is still very stiff and can only do the most basic of tasks, but I can at least pull up my own pants now. I’m healing quickly, which is promising.

    Hawaii is still on the books (it is paid for, so I go no matter what). I should be healed enough to do some swimming, which is all I can ask. I am a bit concerned about camping in a tent or car now, but I still have 5 weeks of healing before then so it should be OK as long as I do nothing to re-injure before then.

    I think it may be a while before I decide to ride that bike again. It may just stay here in Colorado when I drive out come Jan 1st.

  3. jonthebru says:

    Good to hear you are doing better. I realize you want to camp and would the whole time if possible, I’m just suggesting an easier plan if you are still recovering. I don’t know if you have any military in your history, but if you do the Kilauea Military camp is a great place to be based to see the Volcano on the Big Island. We had a family reunion there in June, it was a really cool place to stay. It up at 3000 feet and is cold at night but if you qualify it could be a good place to bed down right at the Volcano.
    Arnott’s Lodge in Hilo is hostel style place that is quite reasonable. This is where you will meet that group of Scandnavian Women backpacking around the USA.
    I am not as familiar with Kona side I haven’t stayed there in years but there are inexpensive accommodations available.
    There are several camping places on the Kona side Spencer Beach Park near Kawaihae and there is camping around the island look at this page:;jsessionid=B6B2F9248001713356A4C57D9D75A830.prodapp3
    The state has camping as well, mostly in cabins of some type. Hapuna is the best, close to a fantastic beach but hard to get reservations.
    If any of this helps, good. If not, no worries.

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