I Love Sushi

I don’t, but they do. They as in the others I am camped with (Aluminarium, theTravelingHaywoods, Russ & Todd in the WanderBus) and who invited me along with them on a trip into the Vegas area for a night on the town for dinner at I Love Sushi. I ordered my go-too dish of Teriyaki Chicken which was good enough to challenge my favorite place in Colorado. They ordered up Sushi by the plate full. The names of the dishes were hilarious. My favorite was “Tastes like my Ex Girlfriend”.

After, Todd wanted his first taste of Black Jack in a casino and went on to win 10 consecutive hands before getting up from the table and leaving. A smart gambler he is… undefeated.

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1 Response

  1. Leigh says:

    I’m glad you were there even though you don’t love sushi! :)

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