I am a South Dakotan

It is final. The paper work – complete with 2 copies of my passport, 4 of my license, 4 of my SSN card, and five notary stamps – is in the mail to the officials in South Dakota. In a few weeks I will receive the plates, titles, and registration for Big Blue and the Datsun in the mail. My new official address, provided by Your Best Address, is in Sioux Falls South Dakota as of today.

I guess I will have to drop in on my new home state soon… I’ve never been there.

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6 Responses

  1. ras says:

    Congrats on being a South Dakotan. Is it for insurance and tax purposes? I have followed your blog for awhile now and decided to register. I enjoy your topics, pictures and and how you live in Big Blue. I have thought about doing the same thing for the last few years but for now when I travel I stop at Wamarts,campgrounds,travel centers,truckstops,Parks and sleep in my station wagon or my tent. I like the solitude,scenary and don’t mind being alone alot. Did you decide not to sell the Big Blue Van? I look forward future adventures with words and pictures. Moose looks great with his new haircut and I was so glad you saved him at the Moose Lodge.

    • Van-Tramp says:

      Welcome Ras. South Dakota is simply another way to simply my life. I have had to return to CO every year for vehicle inspections and registration. In South Dakota there are no vehicle inspections and the registration process can be done via mail or Internet. Also, SD has no sales or income tax which is a nice bonus.

      I did decide not to sell Big Blue (I was having nightmares).

  2. Michelle says:

    Hey again,

    So we live in South Dakota and during my research today I found out that SD is one of the best states for full-time travelers. Who’da thought!? Anyhow I am going thru the process of choosing our mail service and am wondering how you like Your Best Address? I was considering Americas-Mailbox that is outside of Rapid City but I’d love to hear your own experience.

    • Van-Tramp says:

      YBA has been great the past few years I have been with them. Very friendly and helpful every time I need their help. I have heard both good and bad things about AM, but nothing to back up either. The only thing I would recommend to consider when choosing is that at some point you have to go to SD to get your driver’s license (sooner or later you have too) and YBA is all the way over on the Eastern side of SD while AM is in Rapid City on the West side. For that reason alone I may be forced to “move” to America’s Mailbox this year.

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