Hot days in Todos Santos

Now that we are in (or near) the tropics, the heat laid it on thick and Kerri’s ability to do anything came to a staggering halt. Eventually she just laying in the van until the sun began to set. Late enough in the day, and once the heat let up we walked into Todos Santos, visiting the main artist strip, and then stepping one block off to find things a bit more… well, native. It was here that we found a cowboy-hat wearing Mexican standing in a side alley, beside a rack of animal skulls, frying up some type of brain-tacos. Kerri was all over them of course while I ate the regular asada-type. I feared this may be the time that she was going to pay dearly for her choice in food, but all went smoothly in the end.

A drive to the beach to cool off was in order, but upon arrival the waves proved too hostile to let the dogs venture in, though some sand-digging was enough to keep them from rebelling. We had hoped to release some of the baby turtles at Tortugueros Las Playitas while we were here, but it appeared we were too late. We settled for more sand digging.

IMG_8426 IMG_8528Before we could leave town, Kerri just had to eat at La Casita which she had been turned onto by one of her 10-million Instagram followers… or something like that. She had heard that it was the best food in Baja, and she heard correctly. The Ahi Sashimi (raw tuna is some crazy-good sauce) blew my mind – did I mention that I hate seafood – but it was the Brazilian steak in a cinnamon & coffee herb rub drowned in a shallot sauce that did me in for the night. We ate at La Casita once more before leaving Todos Santos. What great food they prepared, and even though it is double that of anywhere else, the two meals and multiple drinks still came out to around $60 USD.

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2 Responses

  1. I was in Todos Santos last winter for a month, after a month in Aticama, south of San Blas. There was no signal light back then. But they were under grounding their utilities (in a very Mexican way) so I can see where they would have to have a light. Hopefully you went to the beaches about seven miles north of town….

    • Van-Tramp says:

      We went to the beaches to the South primarily. Only one North we hit was the one that they release the baby turtles (which we missed).

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