Historic drinks in Livingston
With out final night in the area approaching it has become tradition to hit the town for a cocktail. Kerri is very particular about her food & drink so she always picks to coolest of places to visit.

Image @asolojourner
Our first stop was the Mint Bar & Grill – before I can drink, I must eat – which is advertised as opening in the 1920’s (prohibition be damned) and has been there ever since. Here we ate some good ol’ ‘murican food with a traditional beer. Afterwards, we walked the 2 blocks to re-visit (we already stopped in earlier in the week, but it is just too cool) the Murray Bar which has a bit more lively vibe. It too has a long history – “more than 100 years” – in the downtown area, and if you are lucky you may see one of the many popular actors or artists who live in the nearby area (we did not). With no more room left in our guts, we relaxed for an hour while sipping an Old Fashion and taking in the local musician.