Going to Grand Teton

Moose growing tired of the loooong drive

Moose growing tired of the long drive

I knew it was a little risky to start moving North so early in the season, but we had spent the last four weeks in RV parks and the options in Colorado for boondocking is very slim at this time of the year. Instead of waiting around for the weather to clear up, we made the leap to go straight to Grand Teton National Forest. There was still a good risk of snow and mud on the ground, but the weather showed increasingly more rain and snow in Colorado and Southern Wyoming than what was happening at Grand Teton, so the choice was made.

It was not a simple task as the mileage forced us into a two-day drive with an overnight stop in a lesser of two evils type of place: a rest area on the interstate. Honestly, the rest area worked out well, with the worst being the idling of a truck all night which was not such a big deal.

The second day of driving brought us deep into Wyoming’s North West. From Rawlins, WY it is roughly 225 mile of beautiful farm land leading up to forests and a crossing of the continental divide before we dropped into the Grand Teton area.

Our firt view of the Tetons, only 20 miles to go

Our first view of the Tetons, only 20 miles to go

Once here we found the Forest Road to my favorite boondocking location in all the USA – lacking snow and significant mud – and setup camp. Our moods, while not bitter to begin with, quickly changed to a more relaxed and happy state now that we were in the forest and away from the RV parks of the last month.

Overnight temperatures dropped into the low 30’s giving frost free range to cover the land, and the Airstream, the next morning… but only until the sun cleared the trees and warmed our little meadow to comfortable temperatures for the work day.

Ah, home sweet home…

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5 Responses

  1. Rich Muller says:

    I’m going to be going through there in about a month. Can you share a little more detail on this Grand Tetons BD spot? How to spot the turnoff? Maybe the Lat/Long coordinates?

    If this is already posted, my apologies. I looked back to the original post and didn’t see it.


  2. Leigh says:

    LOVE it!! :)

  3. Iain Gilbert says:

    Kate and I are making notes as you travel. We’ll be treading the same ground in June and July. Looks great so far.

    • Van-Tramp says:

      Ah, nice. It will be busy up here at that time, and hotter, but the view is still worth it.

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