Finally, some boondocking

I feel like it has been ages since we last got to boondock in the van, and it has. With our route slightly changing, thanks to snow in Interstate 80 the morning we left Kerri’s parents, so did our first week’s location. Instead of spending it off the 395, we rolled right on down to the Mojave National Preserve where we spent Xmas and New Years last year. Not exactly the same spot, but down a road within the preserve that we had not yet traveled – that’s how we are.

We settled on a spot a good enough distance from the Interstate to not hear the traffic. The spot we originally planned to claim was one listed online, so it was occupied (of course), but that just pushed us further down the dirt road to find an even better spot for us. The first wasn’t very far off the main road, but this one was another mile or so further away and around a small hill. For the first time since… well, I can’t remember. Finally we had total silence and solitude. Not a soul drove or hiked past. Our view did not include a single other trailer, van, or boat – just agave and desert filled the scene.

The first couple days were cold, with below freezing temps each morning – outside. Inside we are usually 15 degrees warmer, but that isn’t all that comfortable. The Mr Buddy was put right back to work those early mornings, just to bump the interior temps up by 10 degrees. By mid-week the morning temps weren’t so bad, and the heater was ignored.

While Kerri settled into her normal work week at my purpose built desk, and I finally got back to work myself. See, this time in the van is somewhat a vacation for me. Without the never ending boat repairs as part of my daily work load, I get to re-focus on work that brings in my income for a change. A vacation that lets me work… that’s a new thing. But, I’m quite happy to sit in my office captain’s chair and plug away at my own thing for a few hours each day. I missed this office of mine.

My body will be happy to have the break from all that boat work too. To anyone considering a boat in the future; what ever you imagine the work load to be, quadruple it… then add a zero… then double that, and that is the bare minimum you will be doing in the first week alone. Following weeks will only compound, not lessen.

Moose has been enjoying the off-leash freedom again; finally able to run around the desert again. It is obvious he has slowed in the past year though. Instead of bolting off into the landscape each time he is allowed out, he slowly meanders from bush to bush waiting for a mouse or rabbit to make a break for it. With his age has come patience, and a little less energy I imagine.

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3 Responses

  1. SheketEchad says:

    Your office space is amazing! I too, with full time on the road, but not in such a tidy space. I’m spending the day reorganizing and purging for a 12 day boondocking trip. Looking forward to that!

    • Van-Tramp says:

      It took me years to fine tune what is really needed in the van. The purging and reorganizing is a long, long, part of the life. It’s part of the fun, even, so have fun with it. Good luck on your trip.

  2. Rob says:

    The inside looks good! Merry Christmas.

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