Feminizing Big Blue

Even though the van barely got used after the v3.0 build, Big Blue needed an update with the upcoming trip to Mexico to include another person. To make matters worse, that other person was a girl (gasp!). How was she going to go to the bathroom? Where would she do her work? Would she be OK living in a van for a few months? All of these questions kept me awake the first night after we made the decision. I expressed those concerns to her and we set out to  ensure each question was answered.

The interior of the van, from the passenger seat looking back

The 2014 interior of the van, from the passenger seat looking back

The first thing to fix was the old wall panel board which was very dark and pock-marked with dozens of old screw holes from my many different rebuilds. Replacing it would take too long so after checking into a few other options we decided on a simple patch-n-paint. The result was astonishing.

A new butcher block replaced the old Formica counter top (also riddled with holes). Since we had to trim a bit of length and width from the butcher block, we were able to use that extra piece as a back-splash which also allows more storage behind. This one piece of wood changed the entire look and feel in the van.

Processed with VSCOcam with e8 preset

A full set of new LED bulbs replaced my new, but inferior quality, bulbs. Combined with the brighter wall color the interior is measurably brighter and easier to be in. I admit that I enjoy the dark-man-cave feel, but Kerri needs light… lots and lots of light.

IMG_7659I finally got around to finishing off the new cabinet doors (thanks to Kerri’s interior design recommendations) with leather pull handles for all. They are commented on – almost immediately – every time a newcomer peaks into the van now.


The 2016 interior looking back from the driver’s seat

Other additions include:

  • Leather straps to hang our coffee mugs
  • Spice rack for her many, many spices
  • Many storage bins
  • Snaps for cook-top so it is easily removable
  • Snaps to secure the extra table when not in use
  • Comfy stool to be used as her office chair
  • New foam in couch/bed cushions
  • A new 12v power panel with USB outlets
  • Tons and tons of girl stuff
  • And lastly, a big chunk of her bar (as you can see)

And as it turns out, we both have ample room to work

Photo Jan 07, 12 16 42 PM

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8 Responses

  1. Irene says:

    Yahoo! Looks great

  2. Mel says:

    Nice setup for 2! The drink looks good also, what is the drink that is in progress?

  3. Kerensa says:

    We girls need tons and tons of girl stuff. It looks great and I’m so happy we got to see it and you in person finally.

  4. Leigh says:

    I love the shot of you 2 working, we just need a pic of the dogs harassing you (or sleeping) in the front seats. :)

  5. Brenda says:

    Looks great! I completely understand the need for lots and lots of light. Que disfruten sus aventuras en Mexico (enjoy your adventures in Mexico)!

  6. Cameron says:

    Yaaaaay!!! Can’t wait to see you guys down here!

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