Family Emergency

Those late night phone calls are always scary. In my recent case, it was an early morning one, but as you an imagine it was a family emergency that required my personal attention.

santafe to longmontAfter only a few short days in Santa Fe, I jumped in the van to make the 430 mile haul to Longmont, Colorado to be with family. What was suppose to take a month was done in a single day. I had to leave Kerri behind but we should be back together this weekend when she too makes the drive up.

On the plus side, this does open up our schedule between Longmont and the Canadian border…. and you know how much I love changing plans. Now, instead of making a fast trip North, we can meander and even spend a few weeks in Grand Teton kayaking.

And to that I joyously exclaim, “Boots!

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3 Responses

  1. Rich Muller says:

    Hope all is well!

  2. Kerri says:


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