Dungeness Wildlife Refuge Trespass

IMG_9852I knew it would be a risk, to go onto a National Wildlife Refuge, but honestly I am through with all this shutdown BS. The Dungeness Regional Park (still open) connects to the Dungeness National Wildlife Refuge, where I planned to hike out onto the sand bar to the lighthouse a few miles out.

IMG_9863I made it 100 yards where I met a nice Fish & Wildlife Ranger who called me over for a chat. I’m an honest guy, and did not bother to hide my attempts. He agrees in the stupidity of the entire situation but still has a job to do (even though he is not being paid to do it). I do not blame Officer Falzetti for our politician’s shortcomings. Instead I thanked him for “a nice addition to my scrap-book” and went on my way.

Needless to say, I did not get out to the lighthouse. I will try the National Park tomorrow.


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1 Response

  1. Aluminarium says:

    Good thing you got off with just a warning! I heard they’re issuing tickets at Red Rock in Vegas. Without the staff and resources to do search and rescues, I understand why they’re doing it.

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