Chores and spring cleaning with family

Adventuring has taken to the back burner while we complete some chores needed to make the transition to boat-life.  A week hanging out with Kerri’s parents in Grass Valley, then a week with my Mother in Washington state, gave us the time to get Kerri’s truck up and running again (battery) and to do a bunch of spring cleaning in our lives. This included a major donation run and a small dump run. It is crazy just how much stuff we have collected in the past couple years, and how much of it we really did not use. We still have a lot of bigger-ticket items to sell off, but did not have the time right then. Personally, I think I like getting rid of stuff more than I like buying it, so it was a good week.

As Kerri and I arrived in Washington after two days of driving – literally within minutes of arriving – Kerri got the phone call that her Airstream needed to be picked up and removed from the ranch where it has been used as an Air B&B for the past year. With both the absolute worst timing (we just drove 700 miles away from the trailer) and best timing (we have the week to resolve it), Kerri got straight too the task – turning around to go right back to where we left only two days prior… ugh.

It took her four *more* days of driving to recover her trailer. Now, it too has been hauled up to Washington where we will have the time to get it sold before we leave land. And without the trailer there will be no need to retain her truck either, so it appears that too will be let loose soon. And, even though we will be spending all our time on the water soon, the kayaks have to go as there is no room for them on the boat. So says the major life-change.

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3 Responses

  1. Michele says:

    Where was that picture of the truck and Airstream taken?

    • Van-Tramp says:

      Miles down a very secluded dirt road on the Idaho / Wyoming border, in 2017 of course.

  2. Michele says:

    Oh, 2017! That’s why I couldn’t place it!

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