Category: My Vehicles


Moochdocking in Sac

It isn’t often, but sometimes we moochdock at a friend’s or family-members house. In fact we have a lot of that in the next two months, but before that we stopped in to visit an old client and now friend of mine, Charlie Parker. Moose and I have dropped in...


Returning to Carlsbad

The final day of our travel weekend brought us to Carlsbad, New Mexico. Here we would visit the Carlsbad Caverns National Park and even a quick trip to Guadalupe Mountains National Park. Again, I have been to both in my past, but Kerri had been to neither in her adulthood....


Painting the van with bed liner

I have talked about it for years, but the cosmetics of my vehicles have always taken a back seat to the mechanics. Big Blue has always been mechanically fit, and the minor inconvenience of the paint falling off has been just that; minor. Up until Kerri that is. It was...


Feminizing Big Blue

Even though the van barely got used after the v3.0 build, Big Blue needed an update with the upcoming trip to Mexico to include another person. To make matters worse, that other person was a girl (gasp!). How was she going to go to the bathroom? Where would she do...



That is it, today is the first day that I am officially without-van. Big Blue has been put into storage for at least 6-months. Do not worry, this has nothing to do with the recent family emergency, although it is happening a month early due to that situation, and no...


Problem solved

A man living in a van likely has many problems, most of which I have had to deal with during my 3 years full-timing in Big Blue. Then came along a moment in time that made me realize a conundrum that I hadn’t even known I had until that very...


Annual check-up…check

Each year before starting my travels the van gets a full service running-through. Plugs, wires, fluids, filters, cap & rotor all get tossed out and replaced with fresh-meat parts for the next 12,000 miles of exploration. The van’s servicing was the last check mark to scribe on the to-do list....

Preparing for cold weather 4

Preparing for cold weather

Last winter I had the luxury of a 20# propane bottle to run my heater, which has since spoiled me to the resulting warm fingers and toes. Unfortunately, with the interior rebuild I no longer had space to carry the propane inside the van – which is dangerous anyway –...


I’m cooking now

The kitchen addition re-sparked an old idea; having an oven. I had been using my Dutch Oven, but just this week it has been replaced with a new Camp Chef Camping Oven which just happened to fit perfectly into the van’s new kitchen. The oven is large enough to fit...


The joys of being the cool Dad

I promised Timmy that he could drive the Z to school after he got his license and a B average at school. He did both and I have been living up to my promise of allowing him to drive the car, knowing the risk I was putting the car in....