Category: Ramblings

The return to way of the goose 0

The return to way of the goose

My van (not me) has been sitting in northern California since before Thanksgiving while I finished off my 2014 plans. At noon on the 1st I officially turned Big Blue to the South to make my next scheduled stop in Quartsite, Arizona. There I meet up with other van-dwellers for...

Closing out a long holiday season 0

Closing out a long holiday season

My holiday activities started in Colorado where I drove 800 miles to Las Vegas. After spending a few days there I made the 650 drive to Northern California. Again, a few days then I flew 2500 miles to Hawaii where I drove another 1000 miles touring the Big Island before...

Patient Zero 2

Patient Zero

I have been proud that ever since I started van-dwelling I had not been sickĀ  with those annual illnesses such as the common cold or flu. I have had some bad allergies and even food poisoned, but no cold or flu. I credit that I am near so few people...


Re-embracing my individuality

Civilization drives it’s victims into flocks, repressing the growth of individuality – John Muir Just over seven months ago I returned to Colorado to be with Timmy for his birthday and a portion of his summer. Within days of returning, I found myself in a unique situation to complete some...

Getting back on the horse 2

Getting back on the horse

It has been just over 3 weeks and injury has turned to boredom. I have been both lucky and thankful to have Timmy and Imelda here to care for me during the worst of it. Though I could have managed on my own, it is always nice to have someone...

Life at a dead stop 4

Life at a dead stop

It has been one full week since my little biking mishap. Seven full days, and today I am still 100% disabled. Life has come to a dead stop of all activities, even typing this post is a task filled with bursts of pain from my collarbone. Breathing reminds me of...

I’m told they happen in three’s 2

I’m told they happen in three’s

It’s been a rough 45 days. Yesterday was the icing on the cake, the 3rd case of major bad luck to fall into my lap. The first was Timmy’s little fender-bender in my Datsun. He learned just how easy it is to get into an accident, and it has since...

1000 days 0

1000 days

Today marks a new milestone for me; 1000 days living exclusively in the 90-some-odd square feet of space in the Big Blue van. Some may ask if I am tired of it, but the answer to that is a resounding negative. In fact, the few times I have slept in...

September ramblings 3

September ramblings

As December – the start of new adventures – draws closer, the number of items on my todo list seem only to breed litters of offspring. In some masochistic way it is a good thing, as it is keeping me busy in an otherwise boring daily life living within city...

5 years as a non-smoker 0

5 years as a non-smoker

On August 31, 2009 I was down to my final 2 cigarettes and on my way to the local tobacco shop to buy another carton of cigarettes – $42 at the time – when it dawned on me that I would be blowing my monthly budget on the final day...