Category: Ramblings


Take off, eh!

That’s it. Today is the big day to drive the 60 miles North to the border and into Canada. I believe all the paperwork is in order to bring in shotgun and rifle, but it seems the more worrisome contraband is chicken. Poultry, including eggs, seem to be heavily regulated...


Emergency Altoids Tin

During my injured time in late 2014, I finally took on a project I have long procrastinated on; to compile emergency kits in varying size and capabilities. I skipped a 72-hour bag as I had long considered my van as my go-to survival bag. It would keep me alove much...


Roughing it in Grand Teton National Forest

It is a funny feeling; not looking forward to moving onto the next location. That is the reality of this place to Kerri and I, we have been looking forward to the Teton Forest for months and now that we are here we are happy to sit idle for as...


Everything is Golden

The past days have been spent finalizing the errands that brought me to Longmont to begin with, the largest of which was getting the ol’ Datsun repaired so Timmy had a vehicle to wreck drive for the summer. The Datsun was finally completed on Friday, just a single day before...



That is it, today is the first day that I am officially without-van. Big Blue has been put into storage for at least 6-months. Do not worry, this has nothing to do with the recent family emergency, although it is happening a month early due to that situation, and no...

Family Emergency 3

Family Emergency

Those late night phone calls are always scary. In my recent case, it was an early morning one, but as you an imagine it was a family emergency that required my personal attention. After only a few short days in Santa Fe, I jumped in the van to make the...

This week in blog memory 0

This week in blog memory

Recalling where I was and what I was doing… One year ago – After hanging out with friends at Lake Mead for the week, Moose and I parted ways. However, before leaving the area we hiked the Redstone Dune Trail and boondocked a few more nights near Overton, Nevada. On...

This week in blog memory 1

This week in blog memory

Recalling where I was and what I was doing… One year ago – One year ago this week I was just finishing up another week;s camping with Leigh and Brian at Buckeye Hills Regional Park just outside of Phoenix. When we parted ways it was to be for some time,...

This week in blog-term memory 0

This week in blog-term memory

I got to thinking – after seeing Kelly Puccio’s TimeHop posts on Facebook – what was I doing this week last year? How about 2 or 3 years ago? If I held my bread and tapped my shoes… well I still couldn’t remember. Thankfully, I have this blog that has...


Separated from sunrise

It has been a few days since my last semi-adventurous post, but the harsh reality is that I have little to report. I will give you what I can: A few days ago I left Big Blue in the capable hands of Leigh and Drea who were nice enough to...