Category: Food & Diet


Van-berry muffins

With it being a cold and gloomy day in Arizona, I had to find another way to occupy myself between work periods. I could have read a book, or watched a movie, but I had the urge to bake instead. Sure, my version of baking is not baking-proper as my...


Milk-Can Supper

Mother and I were watching some cooking show (yea, that’s how I roll) when they featured a dish that we just had to try; Milk-Can Supper. It is a super-simple dutch oven recipe involving steaming all the the food using beer. As luck would have it, my younger Brother and...


I Love Sushi

I don’t, but they do. They as in the others I am camped with (Aluminarium, theTravelingHaywoods, Russ & Todd in the WanderBus) and who invited me along with them on a trip into the Vegas area for a night on the town for dinner at I Love Sushi. I ordered...

I’m a breast guy 0

I’m a breast guy

Chicken breast that is… Normally I am pleased when I see chicken breast for $1.99 per pound, but at the Safeway in Wilcox, Arizona I stumbled upon a dream catch; $0.99 per pound.  I took a double take on the price, but it eventually sunk in so I bought –...


Dutch oven apple pie

Alright, I admit that apple pie was the primary reason I wanted a dutch oven. A home van-cooked pie tops off a long day hiking or biking like nothing else, so after my recent successes in dutch oven cooking I whipped up my plans for van-made apple pie. A ‘from...


Chicken Chilli

Since I was stationary and had 120v power for the day I figured it was a good time to plug in that slow cooker and make up the chicken chilli I had in store. It was simple; just slice-or-dice and put everything into the pot. 2 hours later I had...


Van Essential: Dutch Oven

I bought what I thought was a Dutch Oven but turned out to be a Bean Pot Kettle. In only two days of cooking with it I am in love with this form of cooking and thoroughly endorse getting a Dutch Oven (or Kettle) as part of your RVing or...


Potatoes & yams in a bean kettle

I decided to use my recently purchased Dutch Oven Bean Pot Kettle to pre-prepare the potatoes and yams I have been carrying around. See, normally I never get around to using these foods as they take too much time and effort to prepare, but winds of change blew past me...


A trying day, but ends with steak!

I seemed to travel the same mile over and over in some Groundhog Day hell made specifically for me. I drove 100 miles this morning to arrive at what I thought would be my spot for the rest of the day. The casino I had chosen had no place (dirt of...


Solar oven fun

I had an extra box, thanks to the recent purchase of my slow-cooker, and I have been curious about a solar oven so I went for it. The only real investment was a couple feet of aluminum foil and a bit of tape. After some cutting and forming of the...