Category: Family


A speedy visit before driving south

Within the hour of getting Big Blue back from the shop we were on the road, heading East. The fact that it was rush hour traffic in the Bay Area and we had two bridges to cross didn’t matter. We wanted out of San Rafael. Oddly enough, the traffic didn’t...


You can’t calm them all

It has been eight long months since we left Big Blue behind to start our 2019 sailing season. Eight months is a long time to be out of the van. At least I was so distracted with having a great time on the boat that I didn’t realize how much...


Moving the Mom to Washington

Although I vowed never to return, the whole reason I returned to California was to assist my Mother (Sister and Bro-in-law as well) in moving out of the state… and right back to Washington – where I left only days ago. Yep, I got to re-drive 700 miles of the...


Mineral boondocking

After all of Big Blue’s spa week, we finally got on the move again. Although it had only been just over a week of visiting both families, it felt like an eternity of stationary life. Northbound was our direction, although we would end up tossing in a whole lot of...


A final week in the USA

We spent one final week in the States, with friends, boondocking near the south entrance of Joshua Tree National Park. This gave us time to really button up some final to-do’s on the van rebuild and take care of the last items on the going-to-baja checklist. The week consisted of...


Moochdocking in the East Bay

After two weeks of peace and quiet on the coast, we head into the fray that is the East Bay to visit my family, and meetup with my son flying out from Colorado for the occasion. It has become quite the annual pilgrimage to drop in on Mom for a...


Moochdocking in the Bay Area

For the past two weeks, while the Airstream was in for servicing, we were mooch-docking in Big Blue outside my family’s place in the East Bay, down at sea-level. Certainly not the most scenic of places we have stayed, but with my son flying out for a visit and the...


Treasure hunting at Pole Mountain

A rendezvous of sorts. My son and I planned to meet up in Wyoming one last time before we moved on out of the area. It was a two-hour drive for him, coming from the Boulder area, and his first time driving to another state on his own. He arrived...



I am not going to start this post off with an apology for my lack of activity these past few weeks. In fact, I am just going to ignore that fact and pretend everything is normal – because it is, other than I have not been blogging. So, to catch...


Following the Wind

Follow the Wind consists of my nephew (Cameron) and his significant other (Jacqui) who just begun traveling last year. They picked my brain for months before setting off on a grand adventure to drive to the southern tip of South America. That adventure ended in the their killing of a...