Category: California


Convict Lake

Now that we are back out in the wild though, the outdoor activities are back on… so on our very first day we set out to a highly recommended hike around Convict Lake. The Lake got its name thanks to some escaped convicts from Carson City back in the 1871....


Finally leaving California

At the end of October last year, nearly 6 full months ago, Kerri and I pulled back into California from the Oregon side. We spent the holidays catching up with family, met up in Southern California with friends, then took to Baja for three months. Now that we have returned...


Final ocean camping

Yea, we are back in Northern California, specifically to drop Big Blue off in storage for the rest of the year. A quick visit to my family, then off we went to Bodega Bay to get in one final week of ocean-life before heading inland for many months. Porto Bodega...


Official van-dweller again

Yep, that’s right. As of the 1st of the year we had moved into the van. It took another 3 days to move everything we wanted out of the Airstream and into the van, but by the 3rd the Airstream was in storage and we were 100% official van-tramps. We...


Borrego Springs 2016

That’s it, it is official. A new tradition is born. You may ask yourself, “what tradition?” The tradition of having too much fun in the desert of Borrego Springs and neglecting to take any photos which then forces me to just send everyone off to another blog which better documented...


Borrego wind tunnel

After an early Xmas with Kerri’s family in the South Bay last weekend, we did make it down to Borrego Springs in one and a half days of driving. It is nice to be back in Borrego Springs as it holds a special place in both our hearts as the...


John Muir Woods

John Muir has always been somewhat of a hero to me. Not only was he a minimalist and naturalist, he was easily the loudest voice in the creation of our National Park’s system in America. If it were not for John Muir, Yosemite would not exist today at all, and...


Point Reyes National Seashore

For most of my life I have lived within a few short hours drive from the North Bay and Point Reyes National Seashore. Twice I drove right past it on my way to other places. Never had I thought to even pop in to see what all the excitement was...