Category: Boondocking


Mineral boondocking

After all of Big Blue’s spa week, we finally got on the move again. Although it had only been just over a week of visiting both families, it felt like an eternity of stationary life. Northbound was our direction, although we would end up tossing in a whole lot of...


Boondocking the Sur

T’was all about the ocean for a few days over the weekend. Kerri’s fixation on the Big Sur area brought us to the top of a coastal mountain the first night, where we planned to stay until morning and swoop in at the ocean-side campground down the road. Kerri navigated...


Williams Hill Recreation Area

It was certainly a culture shock to make the jump from the Sierra Mountains to William’s Hill – a few hours due West of our previous weekend’s adventures – but Kerri had a hankering for some sea views in Big Sur, and who am I to keep my girl wanting....


Revisiting the Hetch

We had canceled our reservations to camp in the Yosemite Valley because 1) we had both been there multiple times, and 2) the damn crowds. Instead we chose to visit the Hetch Hetchy Valley (a revisit for me) and hike out to a not-so-well-known water fall; Wapama Falls Even though 40...


Back on the road after a week of chores

We spent this past week in Grass Valley, with Kerri’s family, getting a ton of chores completed on the Airstream, storage units, my teeth, another small construction project for Big Blue, and the dog’s vaccinations. One plus side to it all was a consistent address for a week. That meant...


Exploring the Mono Lake Basin

We have been spending more and more of our time down some random dirt road, and I have to say it suits us just fine. Just a little bit of research on the maps gives us all sorts of ideas on roads that might lead us somewhere cool, and the...