Category: Boondocking


Hunkering down for the fourth

Kerri and I came here knowing we would be stationary for two full weeks, mainly due to the holiday weekend. Not only did we want to not have to find another camping spot on a big holiday weekend – which always proves to be stressful – we also wanted to...


Finding Chimney Rock

On our way up to Steamboat Springs we passed by a brown-sign beckoning us to follow a gravel road to something called “Chimney Rock”. A quick search netted Chimney Rock National Monument, but considering it was a few hundred miles away, we knew it must have been a different Chimney...


Grand Lake boondocking

So, yea… our plans changed [again] since we were last at Crested Butte. With a heat wave rolling through the state, we decided against going to Black Canyon of the Gunnison and then off to Dinosaur National Monument. Those areas were going to be seeing 90’s and up, and there...


Boondocking at a Stagecoach Stop

Sometimes you just have to take them as they come, and Saturday was one of those days. After a long-haul from Crested Butte we were nearing our destination of Hot Sulphur Springs. With the sun hanging low and our mood following the same path, we decided to scout a County...


Going higher

We left Buena Vista’s 8000 foot elevations to burrow deeper, and higher, into the Rocky Mountains. Deeper and deeper… deeper and deeper (see Office Space reference) to Crested Butte, Colorado, a place I have driven past many times, seen the photos of the wildflowers every summer, but it had never...


Boondocking in Buena Vista, CO

It feels good to be out of the city and back into some mountains. At just under 8,000 foot elevation, Buena Vista – or just outside BV –  has been our home for the past week. I’ve passed through here a number of times, but this is the first time...


Following the rabbit

As luck would have it, I knew a place to spend the week before making the leap over the Rocky Mountains. Rabbit Valley BLM is a large area of land straddling the Utah and Colorado state line. I have over-nighted here a few times in the past, but this time...


Virgin Dam boondocking

We had other plans for boondocking near Zion National Park, but when Kerri found a few Instagram-buddies parked nearby at a totally unknown location (to me), we headed that direction. The Virgin Dam BLM area overlooks the Virgin River and the Dam below, with 360 degrees of desert awesomeness surrounding...


Finally leaving California

At the end of October last year, nearly 6 full months ago, Kerri and I pulled back into California from the Oregon side. We spent the holidays catching up with family, met up in Southern California with friends, then took to Baja for three months. Now that we have returned...


Who needs a shower anyway

When we arrived at Cabo Pulmo, we arrived freshly showered. Or, at least we got to shower within the past 24 hours of that day, which is pretty freshly showered by our definition. We spent a week in Cabo Pulmo, and now another week in Los Barriles a few dozen...