Buckeye Hills Regional Park

This past week I have been camped at Buckeye Hills Regional Park (map below). It is one of my “go to” places to boondock when I’m in western Arizona. I came here for my first time last year and enjoyed having the 4000+ acres all to myself. This time around, not so much…

1888652_720191334687295_761568570_n… but that is OK. In fact, I came here to hang out with Leigh and Brian another week upon their invitation and insistence. I also met up with Mike and Kelly (also Airstreamers, although vintage… which is cool) who ended their time at Buckeye with a naked pose in front of their trailer.

All in all, I did little other than work and try my best to occupy Moose. The group did hang out each evening before and after dinner (Leigh did fed me again, which was yummy), and I did even more drinking (it must be a record for how much I have drank in a single month).

1186022_720199311353164_1109488710_nMy final day was alone, soaked, and muddy (I’m being overly dramatic). The rain did give the van it’s first bath in months – heck, it’s been carrying around the same dust since California back in December (our last rain together), but it looks much better now.

I write this as I am driving (I pulled over) towards Lake Mead to spend yet another week with the Aluminum-duo, who I must get a photo of before it is too late. It will be my first time at Lake Mead, so I hope to get out and see as many sights as I can.

[cetsEmbedGmap src=https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=208048826612168157746.0004d2f9cb4999f254fe5&msa=0&ll=33.297247,-112.60849&spn=0.357552,0.564423 width=550 height=425 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 frameborder=0 scrolling=no]

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2 Responses

  1. The Good Luck Duck says:

    People keep telling me to scoot over here and look at Big Blue, and a fine sight she is! [How is it I haven’t been looking at her more?]

    If it helps, we’re all alone, soaked, and muddy here in Arizona. I was thinking of escaping Sedona for Buckeye (who says that??), but it looked just as saturated there as here.

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