Bodie State Historic Park

Just over two years ago, I started following Kerri on Instagram (at the behest of two friends… I swear, I wasn’t stalking or anything) and soon afterwards commented on an image she posted of Bodie State Historic Park. That comment, although short, was our first interaction, and something we both talk about from time to time. She ignored all my other comments afterwards, until we met face to face a year later, where my good looks and charm swept her off her feet faster than she could say “go away” (thankfully). When we had the chance to visit Bodie State Historic Park together, as a couple, it came with a little extra meaning for us. But that plan nearly crashed and burned. On our way into the Mono Lake area we passed the highway leading into Bodie and it was blocked by a large sign empirically stating that the road was closed. We were heart broken. 

IMG_8936IMG_8960 IMG_8951 With a little research, Kerri found that the secondary road into the park would be open. It is a 10-mile long dirt road and advertised as “very rough”. In years past, this label may have scared me off but two things have changed since that time; 1) We are driving Kerri’s 4WD truck, and 2) I’ve been to Baja… those are very-rough dirt roads… America’s dirt roads are nothing. Still, after those 10 miles we had to hike another 1.5 miles to reach the town. Still again, the weather forecast rain for the day. But nothing would scare us off… IMG_8938 IMG_8934 IMG_8925 IMG_8953

And so we set out – prepared with a bag lunch for each of us, hiking boots, and rain gear – for a day of hiking and exploring the old ghost town and I must say it was the most pleasant day ever. As it turned out, the State Park opened the gate to allow us to drive all the way into the ghost town, avoiding the 3 miles of muddy hiking. And the weather lived up to the forecast, which only added to the day if I am being honest. The rain turned to hail, but since we had the right amount, and type of clothing, we stayed very comfortable in the hours we spent staring into the windows of the old houses and shops in Bodie.

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3 Responses

  1. Suzanne says:

    Wow, you had perfect skies for a ghost town! Really nice photos…

  2. And because of the road and the weather, you had a much easier time getting photos without other people in them.

    • Van-Tramp says:

      Yes, very true. When we got there, only two others were in the entire town. We had the run of the place.

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