Latest happenings ...


Boulder County Fairgrounds

Kerri needed to fly out of Denver for the weekend so back to Colorado we went. I got to hang out with my son for a few unscheduled days while camping at the local Fairgrounds in town. It is not the coolest place to camp, but it would keep me...


Fort Laramie National Historic Site

It’s been a wild ride visiting 8 new national parks in just a few weeks with Fort Laramie (my 82nd National Park visited) finishing off the list. We regretted skipping past it on our way North through Nebraska, but we hadn’t even realized it until we were well past a...


Devils Tower National Monument

What a crazy place Devils Tower National Monument (my 81st National Park visited) is. It could be seen from miles out, and it is completely unmistakable even from that distance. Still to the day a sacred place for many Native Americans, it was our home for a single night stay...


Minuteman Missile National Historic Site

The Minuteman Missile National Historic Site (my 80th National Park visited) was our final stop in South Dakota before leaving the state. It consisted of three different properties spread out over 10 miles of Interstate exits. Not open very friendly hours, we had to try to see the site(s) before...


Badlands National Park

We nearly had to pass by Badlands National Park in central South Dakota, but as luck would have it (what does that saying even mean?) we had made the trip out no matter the hell-on-earth-heat that was rolling through South Dakota. Actually, we took numerous trips into the park over...


A 3 year old Moose

A few weeks after finding a dog in the Washington forest, I accepted that he was now my travel partner and brought him into the local vet to start his shots and vaccinations (yea, I vaccinate). It was that first visit that the vet gave me a ballpark on Moose‘s...


Wind Cave National Park

The plan was to loiter in the Black Hills for a few weeks and take our time to see all the sights. Unfortunately, family matters have once again changed our plans. We need to get back to an International Airport for Kerri to fly back to California in early August...


Mt Rushmore and Crazy Horse

We had found an “OK” spot (not great, but would have done the trick) to camp in the National Forest, but thanks to the heat of being waaaay down here at 4,000 ft elevation, we chose to home base out of an RV park in Custer, SD so the A/C...


Jewel Cave National Monument

With our arrival into South Dakota happening a bit earlier than expected, we had a day of freedom to explore before settling into our work week. It has been a while since I went underground, so why not eh? Jewel Cave National Monument (my 76th National Park visited since starting...


Agate Fossil Beds National Monument

I don’t want to talk bad about Nebraska, but the truth is that Nebraska’s National Parks are… well… boring. Scott’s Bluff was cool and all, for the 30 minutes it takes to visit, but Agate Fossil Beds National Monument (my 75th National Park visited) was very “blah”, especially considering how...