Latest happenings ...


Van Essential: Folding BBQ grill

Ever since I flattened my BBQ (way back in 2014, nearly a year before I met Kerri), I have been on the prowl for a replacement. OK, I admit my prowling about has been pretty lazy these past two years, and it may have been helped with the fact that...


Riverwalk, Alamo, McKinney Falls

We arrived in Austin, Texas – specifically McKinney Falls State Park – on a Sunday, and could only get reservations through Friday night of the following weekend.  This gave us only one full day to get out and do something in the area. Nit knowing the area all that well,...


LBJ to the rescue

I mentioned in my previous post that LBJ – or his State & National Historic Site – came to our rescue by occupying us for a few hours on a travel day. Being a much-experienced and now jaded National Park visitor, these types (and Forts) usually do not hold my...


The long long drive

On Tuesday morning we made our escape from Big Bend and spent the work day at a city park in Fort Stockton, Texas. The night was spent another half hour down the Interstate at a rest area. In the morning we made the couple-hour jump to Sonora, Texas where we...


Boquillas del Carmen, Mexico

It all sounded so inviting; crossing the river by row-boat to visit the town of Boquillas. We planned to spend much of  the day there so we set out early. We were the first to cross that day, made obvious by the dozens of empty 5-gallon gas cans came across...


Big Bend National Park – West

Our time in the Western part of Big Bend National Park was spent camping at the Cottonwood Campground. It is a no-frills campground, but the only established campground nearby the Saint Elena Canyon which was our destination (twice over) for the weekend. On our second morning we were visited by...


Big Bend – Santa Elena Canyon Kayak

Not happy just hiking the canyon, Kerri and I set out to kayak the beast once the wind died down. With referrals from multiple other couples, the kayak trip was on our agenda for some time. It would be our first time putting-in this  year. The wind (and Texas dust)...


Big Bend – Santa Elena Canyon Hike

We finally made our move into Big Bend National Park over the weekend. With no requirement of Internet for 3 days, we could spend the entire time exploring and adventuring. Sadly, even though we tried to get one of the dispersed camping locations in the park large enough for the...


Terlingua Texas

Texas…. The last time I was here it was not all that to me. It has been a while (just over 4 years) and I’ve changed a lot since then, but I still wasn’t looking forward to Texas again. Maybe it was the bad experience in Carlsbad, but entering Texas...