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Welcome to Mississippi, law breaker

During our week long stay half way up the Natchez Trace Parkway I ran out of beer (I know!!!!), so when we ran into town I checked in at the local grocers to pick up a few bottles. When I could not find any in the store, I popped in...


Healing by swamp

Before our Thursday night on the town, Kerri and I ventured off into the Barataria Preserve to the south of the NOLA area. Barataria Preserve is a part of the Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and is primarily a large swamp (as is much of southern Louisiana. I’d have liked to kayak...


And then there was Thursday

The first 37 years of my life was “Tim 1.0” (angry, persecuted, argumentative, etc). When I started traveling, a whole new Tim began to emerge (more relaxed, social, all-around nice guy, etc) and by the time I began full-time life on the road “Tim 2.0” had fully taken over. This...


Kayaking Palmetto Island State Park

Prior to our yak-packing trip in Grand Teton back in Sept of last year, we had gone almost one full year since putting the kayaks in the water. Since that time, the kayaks have been used no less than four times, two of which took place in the last few...


Avoiding Mardi Gras

We have been hanging around Lafayette, Louisiana these past few weeks. Not only to see the sights in the area, but also to avoid New Orleans and the major event (and crowds) of Mardi Gras. We have not been hiding, as much as my lack of blog-posts may have given...


Kayaking in my first Louisiana swamp

I did not know it at the time we were driving up to the lake that morning, but soon after I would experience one of the most enjoyable kayaking I have ever done. Although we had the day planned for a bit of kayaking, we both were not really feeling...


Kayaking Bayou La Rose, Barbara tries to kill again

We pulled in too, and camped at, Bayou La Rose for our first full work-week in Louisiana. Kerri found this small campground and decided to stay out here, as opposed to closer to Lafayette-proper, so we can more easily kayak on any day we want. The campground (Uncle Dick Davis...


Penetrating Louisiana

We arrived in Louisiana last weekend, but only just. We barely made it 20 miles inside the state before exiting the Interstate and setup camp at the Intracoastal Park. This unscheduled stop came thanks to a meetup with Tricia & Cody of @OurWanderingRythm who refereed us to the place. A...