Roosevelt National Forest, Big Elk Meadows
I have passed by this road many times on my way up the mountain to numerous other hikes over the years. It is only a few miles outside of Lyons, which is right up the road from me. It was not until late last year that I finally traveled the road to see that has a developed trail-head accessing the National Forest. In fact, I can choose between an OHV dirt road that will take me all the way into Estes Park (a later date), or the trail itself which takes me down into the Button Rock Preserve area and to the West side of the Button Rock reservoir which I have visited many times from the other side.
Conor and I chose to hike to the reservoir this day, in our continued effort to follow the spring-time bloom up the mountain. Although we are clearly still a week too early, just as we were at Picture Rock last week just down the mountain 1000 ft, the scenery was still spectacular. The trail itself winds down the mountain with heavy pine shading us from the sun. After more than 2 miles we get our first peak of the meadow which was just past our half-way mark to Button Rock Reservoir. It was here that nature told us of our early arrival; most of the bushes were just beginning to sprout some small leaves.
All the larger flowering plants were still brown with only the smallest of flowers beginning to bloom. Only the grass itself was half-awake to give us a healthy green. It was extremely peaceful here with no other sounds but the wind running through the trees. I plan to come back out here (real soon) to do some camping and exploring.
We stopped only long enough to snap some photos before continuing on the remaining 1.5 miles to the Reservoir, which happens to be about 800 ft lower down the mountainside. 800 ft over a mile doesn’t sound like much but that is a 15% grade… non-stop for 1 full mile of the remaining 1.5… most mountain highways never exceed 8% and cars with 100+ horsepower struggle to maintain speed at that incline. Obviously, it is easier going down, but the knees take a beating. It was much tougher coming back up the trail, which Conor made me do in a a single shot as he had my water bottle and was leading me by 30 feet… also refusing to stop so I could drink. I surely built up some butt-muscles this day!
After a total of 4 miles, down 1400 ft in altitude, we reached the Button Rock Reservoir where we hung out for 20 minutes before turning about to repeat the entire trail in reverse. This was the first time we had taken a trail that was downhill first, with the exit going up. Even with the increased difficulty, we made it back up to the car (4 miles away) in 1.5 hours although my body will be suffering for a few days after.
I’m happy we finally came out to this area of the forest. It will certainly be revisited soon, when the flowers begin to bloom. And since it is only 20 minutes from Longmont, Timmy and I can come out here for some overnight backpacking with ease.