Baja or bust

We left the Yuma area, early Sunday morning, to cross into Mexico and make the 120 mile drive to San Felipe on the eastern coast of the Baja peninsula. Everything went smoothly crossing the border other than the fact that we made four attempts at finding the right place to get our Visitor’s Visa. It did not help that we were getting instructions from Dan who told us the wrong place to go. It was not until later in the day that we all realized he crossed the border at a different location all together. This is not the first time Dan has given us bad directions trying to get us killed. I will be watching him more closely now.

Nevertheless, we made it across, and after an hour ordeal, got our visas. It was then just a 2 hour drive to San Felipe, which went smoothly even with my first ever Military checkpoint. We arrived to the designated campground where we met up Dan & Marlene (and kids) of @Malimish and Nathan & Rene (and kids) of @Wandrly.

On Monday we enjoyed the sunrise in bed, played on the beach a bit, strolled in to town for lunch (tacos) and a bit of exploring, followed by some more dog-time on the beach before another happy hour before dinner and a good night’s sleep… some pics:

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A photo posted by @van_tramp on

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5 Responses

  1. Yolanda Odom says:

    Great pics! That’s the exact place I stayed last year at this time. So fun! And great fish tacos on the beach. Isn’t there some kind of race happening there soon? Prepare!

  2. Leigh says:

    If it’s any consolation, I gave Dan bad GPS coords once. ;)

  3. Vince Willeford says:

    Wow…you guys are on your way! Good luck and lots of fun.

  4. From what I’ve read, the last 25 miles of highway 5, before connecting with highway 1, will be quite the adventure.

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