Author: Van-Tramp


8 years of tramping

With our 2018 van-travel plans complete for the year, I’ve gone ahead and updated my all-inclusive travel map. If you are like me, things like this interest you. The map is available on Google Maps for the viewers to tinker with, feel free. See the brown line in the above...


Gettin’ salty

We have been living on the boat for a week now. It is all the time required to start writing internet how-to’s and producing YouTube videos on which is the best way to perform daily tasks while living the #SailLife… am I right? I promise, I will not be doing...


2500 days in a single paragraph

It wasn’t that long ago in my mind, but yesterday was exactly 2500 days (almost 7 years) since I started full-time living on the road (I did 20 months of most-time living on the road prior). I recall Dec 28, 2011 very well; leaving Colorado on my way south to get away...


Moving in to our new boat

It has been a busy past few days. We were out on Orcas Island when the paperwork on the new sailboat was starting to pour in. Documents needed to be printed, signed, and the boat still needed to be paid for. And we really did not want to extend this...


San Juan Island

We decided to take our island hopping to a whole new level. This time by going to an island that can not be driven too; San Juan Island. It was somewhat of a time killing exercise as well as a National Park visit with the San Juan Island National Historic...


Camano Island State Park

After the long day on the boat Kerri opted for us to make the hour drive to where her Mother and Father were recently camped – Camano Island State Park – to see if they were still there. They were, so we had yet another impromptu get together with family...


Survey day

Finally, the big day has come and gone. Survey day, where the boat gets a full inspection inside and out (and the diesel motor too) so we know of any and all issues with it before we move forward with a purchase. We were told to be in attendance for...


Larrabee State Park

With an early Monday morning meetup with inspectors on our [hopefully] new sailboat, we chose to camp as close to Bellingham as possible. Twenty minutes to the south is Larrabee State Park and was our only real option other than a RV resort (ew). So Larrabee it was. The campground...


A chance meeting in Winthrop

The water tank in Big Blue ran dry on Thursday night. Left with no choice, we packed up and retreated out of the forest and back towards Winthrop for a single night’s stay to refill our stores, shower, and recharge the battery. Being only 15 minutes out of town, it...