Author: Van-Tramp


Stumbling into exactly what I needed

We left Lassen National Forest after two weeks of roaming around the back roads surrounding the national park. We chose to spend one more week up in the mountains to avoid the heat of the valley. It was the Shasta area that we wanted to see next, so Northward we...


Lassen Volcanic Ntn’l Park

The primary reason we came to this part of California was to see the wonder that is Lassen Volcanic National Park. Though we had distracted ourselves with other adventures for two weeks, we finally got into the park-proper at the very end of our stay in the area. Sadly, the...


Boondocking Lassen Ntn’l Forest

With plans to finally go into Lassen Volcanic National Park the following weekend, we backtracked a half hour’s drive to position ourselves not far out of the North entrance. There are so many forest roads all over the place up here, all mostly in fantastic condition too, we would have...


McArthur-Burney Falls

Every time I speak with someone about going to Lassen they bring up Burney Falls and how it is a “must see”. With all the references I made sure to include it on the map of destinations that I “must see” while exploring California. Initially, Kerri and I thought we...


Mineral boondocking

After all of Big Blue’s spa week, we finally got on the move again. Although it had only been just over a week of visiting both families, it felt like an eternity of stationary life. Northbound was our direction, although we would end up tossing in a whole lot of...


Big Blue spa week

The past week or so has been a bit of a blur. So much needed to be completed before we could begin our Northern migration, and we hoped to not have to hang around a second week to do it all. Not that we mind hanging out with family, but...


Mugged in Monterey

With our weekend in Big Sur coming to an end, we rolled into Monterey to spend a few of the work days. There, not far out of town, is a county park that allows camping, up to 3 days. This would work out perfectly for us as we wanted to...


Boondocking the Sur

T’was all about the ocean for a few days over the weekend. Kerri’s fixation on the Big Sur area brought us to the top of a coastal mountain the first night, where we planned to stay until morning and swoop in at the ocean-side campground down the road. Kerri navigated...