An evening of star gazing

By chance we parked the Airstream pointing in a very exact direction. The first night camped up top of Rabbit Ears Pass I woke late at night with an enormous orange glow staring back at me up the length of the trailer. From my view in the bed, 25 feet or so away, is the dining area and the wrap-around window – curtains open. Beyond that was the moon, just rising over the horizon. It’s glow was reminiscent of a forest fire in the middle of the night, which woke me up quick-like.

The next night Kerri and I stayed awake to watch the spectacle in real-time. To stay awake to the 1am moon-rise, we finished off the last two episodes of The Orange is the new Black and cooked up some hot chocolate before stepping outside to stargaze before the moon cast too much light into the night sky for the stars to really show. Thanks to the elevation (10,000 ft) and the lack of any major light-source nearby we got one heck of a show.

With my camera remote AWOL I was stuck with only a 30-second exposure, so once again the photography was not great, but a couple of the shots were worth keeping.

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1 Response

  1. Good job getting the stars without the light in the trailer blowing everything out.

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