About Moose

I’ve wanted a dog for some time now, but I’m not the kind of person to go out and ‘buy’ a dog, even from an adoption agency. I’ve had this romantic vision of some 3-legged dog hobbling down a dirt road in the middle of no-where… I’d offer a ride and he would choose to just stay with me. That is how I’ve wanted to find my dog… and wouldn’t you know it, it happened just like that!

Moose, on day-1

Moose, on day-1

Moose came to me just outside a Moose Lodge (hence the name) in Gold Hill, Oregon on November 5th 2013. I offered him some warmth and a meal while I tried to find his owner to no avail. Since that day, he has traveled with me.  After a few weeks I decided that he was with me for good. He was only 3 1/2 months old at the time.

Some say he is a Terrier-mix, but in reality I simply do not know. To me, the mystery is part of his charm. Currently, we believe he is a mini-schnauzer and poodle mix, but this really is just a guess based on his hair and personality.

The photos below are in order of his age

IMG_0312IMG_0413IMG_0441100_9558IMG_0542IMG_0804IMG_06531888652_720191334687295_761568570_nIMG_1566IMG_1611IMG_1720IMG_1915IMG_2141IMG_2131 IMG_2160IMG_2139IMG_2340IMG_2625IMG_9846Moose scanning for moose during a break

IMG_0482IMG_0529IMG_0690IMG_0709IMG_0893Oh, that's why! IMG_2660 IMG_2888

4 Responses

  1. Shawna says:

    What a cutie!!! He does look to have some terror – ugh, I mean terrier — in him.

  2. These pics are so beautiful!

    Seeing the life in Moose come “alive” here in your pictures brought tears to my eyes…seriously.

    Ah…but I give myself away in my name…animals are my life…I fall for every one I see, meet or feed.

  3. Trent says:

    He’s a good looking dog!

  4. pjreads says:

    I’m pretty certain that Moose is primarily a yorkie-poo, although there may be a bit of schnauzer in him, too. His ears are bobbed, but his tail is not. Like all yorkie-poos, he can jump unbelievably high and run extremely fast. He is smart and easy to train – and lives for daily walks. He is a close match to our son’s yorkie-poo, and they gravitate to females – even if they love their male owners. Google yorkie-poos and see what you think. From the first time when you said you felt him trying to climb your legs into your arms, I thought to myself – yorkie-poo!

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