A change of plans

We left Port Townsend for our second time in a month. Kerri, as usual, had a few pins on a map that we wanted to see, but this time the pins were of a different species than before. Normally we are off to scout, and camp, some random dirt road or beach, but this week we were to hold a counter-clockwise route around the Puget Sound, all of it on asphalt.

A few posts ago I mentioned that we toured a sailboat in Port Townsend. Well, since that time we haven’t been able to stop talking about it. A ton of reading and video-watching took place in the immediate days following the boat tour. We were crushing on this particular boat pretty hard but wanted to do some due diligence in regards to looking at what else is out there. So, Kerri put together a list of boats in the greater Seattle area and we called on those brokers to setup dates and times to view each of them.

With that last sentence typed, we have officially brushed aside the rest of our 2018 plans and have begun looking at purchasing a sailboat for our future travels. We have committed to spending at least the next few weeks touring boats in the area and learning more about the whole process if nothing else. We can always pick up our tramping again at any time.

Our first boat viewing was an hour and a half south in Gig Harbor in a few days time. It being the end of our weekend, we drove down there and found a place nearby to settle in for a few work days. On Wednesday we met up with our first broker and toured our first boat as potential buyers.

Well, to be honest, we knew this was not a boat to buy, it was a major project needing way too much work. What it did accomplish for us – and the entire reason we had it on our schedule – was to see what a boat in that price range would look like. A major project was putting it nicely, and neither of us want to sit around for two years working on a boat before we can start sailing. Seeing what that lower price had to offer, we were becoming more confident in the price of our crush-boat in PT. And that was what we both needed, a little confidence in the whole idea of shopping for a sailboat, but it is just a start.

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2 Responses

  1. Wheelingit says:

    Super darn frikkin excited for you!

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