Two Volcanoes – Mauna Kea & Mauna Loa

My second to last day on the island was spent checking off one final box on my list. While I had driven and explored the entire circumference of the island along the roughly 200 miles of highway that circumnavigate the island, I had failed to drive the 50 miles of highway that crosses between two of the three volcanoes that make up the island; Mauna Kea to the north and Mauna Loa in the center. Both stand over 13,000 feet tall with Mauna Kea having just a few feet over Mauna Loa to claim the highest point on the island.

A 4wd road allows access to the top of Kauna Kea, which made it inaccessible to me, but Mauna Loa has a 18-mile paved road leading to it’s 11,000 foot observatory, offering a most spectacular view of Mauna Kea just a few miles away. Never in my life have I gone from sea-level to 11,000 feet in such a short period of time (about 1 hour), and even though I am accustomed to living at 5,000 feet and hiking at 10-11,000 feet regularly (a 6,000 foot transition), my body could not deal with the change that an 11,000 foot transition had for me. I was only just able to snap a few pictures before having to drive back down to avoid the risk of passing out up there all by myself.

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The view of Mauna Kea from the top of Mauna Loa.


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4 Responses

  1. Rick says:

    Tim, Your visit of the Big Island with the pictures brings back alot of memories for me. I went years ago and put 1000 miles on my rental car. Of all the islands there this was my favorite island. I follow your blog all the time and enjoy it very much.

    • Van-Tramp says:

      I too put just over 1000 miles on the rental, even through the road around the entire island is less than 200 miles.

  2. Rick says:

    Did you drive the road that goes through the center of the Island?

    • Van-Tramp says:

      Only to the top to access the volcanoes. I did not go all the way through from Kona to Hilo via that road.

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